Memorable Ps1 Back Covers

Image Credits-Sony

Crash Bandicoot Warped

Image Credit-Universal Studios

You read the contents of this game cover over and over as your dad drove you home after getting the game at GameStop.

Tomb Raider 3

Image Credits-Eidos

Responsible for piquing the interest of many teenagers in geometry, the game challenged you to battle quicksands and piranhas.

Tekken 3

Image Credit-Namco

Admit it you watched the opening FMV sequence countless times even before jumping into the game.

Nuclear Strike 3

Image Credit-EA

"For the first time, you could fly a Harrier and pilot a hovercraft, if you got past the nauseating effect of the 'moving' map."

Akuji The Heartless

Image Credits-Eidos

"Getting your heart stolen on your wedding day, literally! A priest with retractable claws? Count my 13-year-old self in!"

Death Trap Dungeon

Image Credit-Eidos

"Are you a hero or a zero? The game challenged you to brave its mighty dungeons and dodgy camera angles.