forgotten ps1  beat-em-ups

Dashed Trail

Fighting Force

Fighting Force is a fantastic first step into 3D brawlers and also produced a sequel Fighting Force 2.

Credits-Eidos interactive

Dashed Trail

Jackie chan stuntmaster

Jackie Chan lent his voice acting and motion capture to make the game as authentic as possible.

Credits-Midway Games

Dashed Trail


A fast-action game that lets players assume the role of "Travis," hired to rescue a girl named Angela from the crime boss Kintaro.

Image Credits-Interplay

Dashed Trail

crisis beat

Taking place on a cruise liner seized by terrorists, Crisis Beat launched in 1998 to add to the ever growing beat- em- ups on the ps1.

Image Credits-Bandai Namco

Dashed Trail

fantastic four

Fantastic Four introduced licensed 2D Marvel Comics brawling to the Sony PlayStation.

Image Credits-Acclaim Entertainment

Dashed Trail

panzer bandit

Panzer Bandit, the 2D side-scrolling brawler, launched exclusively for the Japanese audience in 1997 on the Sony PlayStation. 

Image Credits-Banpresto